Dhanya n the kid

Dhanya n the kid
My cute new-comer in the life

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Rose is Still Alive

This is a flash fiction I wrote for an online competition.anybody can read this and comment on it:

Rose is still alive…!

I heard Dad snoring upstairs when I went to give his phone. I shook him from sleep, “Dad, Wake up. Call for you from her centre.” I gave that and came down to continue cleaning with my mom. “Emma! Nancy! Our Rose…oh! She… she met with an accident near her coaching centre. Her Principal said that she fell from the vehicle and is hospitalized. Flabbergasted! Anxiety, darkness, tears and prayers filled us. All rushed to the City Hospital and in the Trauma Care Unit, we saw our little one lying unconscious. The Doctor said, “A severe brain injury followed by heavy loss of blood risk chances of survival”. More doctors, more tests, more treatments worked on her tender and weak body. Nothing but only prayers implored but in vain. Three weeks later, they identified that it’s Cerebral Death. Whacked…! Well-wishers visited the living corpse. All prayers, hospitals, medicines, etc., lasted six more months. Today, it’s her operation. Her eyes, liver, kidney and some tissues are bequeathed. My eighteen year companion is leaving this world. Our Rose is getting withered but her fragrance is eternal. My angel, Rose is still alive….!